I’m Tiffany Cassidy. I’m a small-town mama with WAY too many hobbies, and a passion for capturing life with my camera.
I was born and raised in north Texas. I went to Texas A&M (WHOOP!), where I got my degree in electrical engineering. I met my husband and best friend in class, and we got married less than a month after graduation. We settled down in a small town north-east of Dallas, where we are raising our 5 kids.
After my first child was born, I took my first photography class. I quickly fell in love with creatively capturing my kids experience life. I eventually started taking photos for friends and family, and really enjoyed being able to work with other families. In 2022, I decided to jump all-in and officially start my business.
I guess I never really decided what I wanted to be when I grew up, so I do a little of everything. I’m a stay-at home mom, and I home-school our 5 kids. I still do part time engineering work, and we started a family farm in the small community of Merit, Texas. We have a large produce garden, and raise chickens, ducks, and pigs. We are also very involved with our local church.
I plan on using this blog to focus on all things photography, life, and adventures!
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